Trail Scramble – June 4, 2022

Our club held its second annual observance of National Trails Day on Saturday, June 4, 2022. About forty people participated. Everyone had a great time and most people learned about trails that were new to them.

The Trail Scramble started at the Welcome Center. Participants picked up a card and grabbed a paper map of area trails. Then they visited the trail locations to get their cards stamped. If they got three stamps they were able to use valuable coupons on the back of the card at local merchants. At 4:10 those with eight stamps participated in a prize drawing.

The new Radar Hill Hiking Club patch (right) was a big hit!

At the end of the day, many participants went to Guardian Brewing Co. to enjoy the Radar Hill Gorp Porter, specially brewed in honor of Trails Day.

A special thank-you to our collaborators in this event: RiverWood Council, Allegan County Parks & Rec, Laketown Township Parks, Friends of the Blue Star Trail, Scout Troop 333, Community Church of Douglas, and the Mount Baldhead Challenge. Local businesses donating coupons or prizes include Landsharks of Saugatuck, Guardian Brewing, Back Alley Pizza, Lakeshore Pet Boutique, and Grins of Saugatuck.

National Trails Day was first observed in 1993 and by 2019 there were more than a thousand local observances across all fifty states. The American Hiking Society promotes the event, along with the National Parks Service and other partners. Commercial sponsors include REI, Osprey, Ben’s Insect Repellent, and Athletic Brewing.